Friday, June 25, 2010

Milton & Kimila Wedding | Preview

Ahhh, what can I say about Milton & Kim? They are just the sweetest couple ever and so deserving of the love they have found in each other. Milton & Kim have been on the most amazing journey and these two have quite the story to tell. It's almost like a fairy tale, but there is no happy ending to this story, only a happy BEGINNING. Here's a preview into their beautiful beginning...

I love this photo, this is the moment before Kim joined her son and walked down the aisle to meet her future. Like I told her, this moment sums up the entire journey...

I love these girls, they weren't afraid to show me their personalities during our portrait session. Funny stuff!

Stay tuned...there's more to come!

1 comment:

  1. omg...her bridal shoes are adorable! can you please ask her where they are from? lol...i would like a pair. better yet...what size is she? lol...seriously!

